1. Jimi Tenor & Kabu Kabu "Anywhere anytime"
2. Nostalgia 77 "Conventical" (TM Juke Remix)
3. Marvin Gaye "Mercy, mercy, mercy" (Dubby Brothers Edit)
4. Faith Evans vs Jones Girls "Can't Complain" (Aaron Jerome Edit)
5. Mr. Beatnik Reworks "Disco Round"
6. Mulatu & The Heliocentrics "Esketa dance"
7. Raquel Chaves "Opiniao"
8. Sarah Webster Fabio "Cross Fire"
9. Kid Boy "Jazzy Trumpetero"
10. Alif Tree "Au Revoir"
11. Mr. Day & The Dynamics "Tears of Joy"
12. Alexander Desplat "It was nice to have met you"
13. Carlos Nino & Miguel Atwood-Ferguson "Antiquity"
14. C. Phineas "The Breakdown"
15. Visions of Tomorrow "Galaxy Kinky"
16. The Streets "Trust Me" (Arkadian Theory Remix)
runtime just over an hour.
Artwork this week is again from awesome Banksy!
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