We are really getting back into the weekly mixes thing, hopefully you are digging the regularity too! This week's selection is interesting starting with a Miike Snow track heard on KCRW yesterday and moving through some soul with Jonathan Jeremiah (big name for 2009/10), heading back with a few great tracks from the past few years with Koop, Beck, Two Banks of Four and Panoptikum. We have room this week for some rock with Phoenix and Radiohead but we don't leave out the jazz and we have a great track from Sahib Shihab that's a recent discovery for us. Listen below or download from here or check it out on SoundCloud. 1. Miike Snow "Animal" (Mark Ronson Remix) 2. Collen & Webb "No Wonder" 3. Sahib Shihab "Dijdar" 4. Jonathan Jeremiah "happiness" (Morgan Geist Remix) 5. Phoenix "Lisztomania" (Classixx Version) 6. Koop "Bright Nights" 7. Beck "Nausea" 8. Radiohead "There There (The Boney King of Nowhere)" 9. Two Banks of Four "Unclaimed" 10. Panoptikum "Black land of the Nile parts 1 and 2" 11. The Daktaris "Musicawa Silt" 12. Tettorybad "Eternal Freedom" 13. Rosin Murphy "Through Tim"
runtime 1:05 mins This week's graphics comes from the Little black book flickr photostream, great work!
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