Things #5 | from Newcleus to Portishead

Back again for another "Things that make you go...Jazz" session. This week is slim on jazz but the music is just as amazing. Starting out old school with Newcleus, forgot about this until I was reminded recently by Nick Adams on his post "An introduction to 1980s Hip Hop" check it for some great back in the day footage. Eva Be's been doing things on the qt at Sonar Kollectiv in Germany for a couple of albums, worth looking at. Jun Miyake is a new discovery for us, beautiful music coming out of Japan. "Titia Inocencia" is a more bossa tune from Miyake, there're more abstract sounds as well as lush jazz pieces, dig for it. Don't know much about Kenneth Bager, don't even think this track "Fragment One" is new either but it's perfect for 2008, definitely a year end fav already. We wrap up this week with a track from the new Portishead album "Third" and it is rocking. If you are a Postishead fan like us you won't be disappointed. If you got into Radiohead's "In Rainbows" last year you'll lap this up as Portishead take their unmistakable sound and freak it in a serious rock, psych, electronic noise way!

1. Newcleus "Jam on it"
2. Eva Be "Trippin on Eva Be"
3. Jun Miyake "Titia Inocencia"
4. Kenneth Bager "Fragment One"
5. Portishead "We carry on"

runtime 31:15

Enjoy. As usual hit us up with thoughts and feedback in the comments section!


rwr said...

Great mix.
really looking forward to the portishead album release at the end of the month.
'fragment one' has caught the attention of Gilles Peterson as well , who has played it for the last couple of weeks on his worldwide radio show.

Julian said...

have to confess we heard fragment one on worldwide too before knowing anything about it :)